} 2024 3월 영어 고1 모의고사 본문암기 빈칸 :: 지식의 비밀정원



  • 2024 3월 영어 고1 모의고사 본문암기 빈칸
    English Test 2024. 4. 12. 10:30




    2024 고1 3월 영어 모의고사

    모의고사 34번 빈칸 주제 : how experts in a field often underestimate the difficulty of learning tasks when introducing newcomers due to the "curse of knowledge."




    모의고사 34번 빈칸문제 내용 : The topic is how experts in a field may struggle when teaching newcomers because they underestimate the difficulty of learning tasks, a phenomenon known as the "curse of knowledge." This is exemplified through research by Dr. Pamela Hinds, who found that experts can be less accurate than novices in judging how long it takes to learn certain skills, such as using mobile phones. The article emphasizes the importance of considering the learning process from the perspective of students rather than assuming how they should learn.


    본문암기 빈칸연습

    1. __ ____________ ____ research ______________ have __________ ______ experts ____ __ field __________ ____________________ ________________________ ________ ______________________ __________________ ____ ________ __________. 많은 조사 연구는 한 분야의 전문가가 그 분야로 초보자를 입문시킬 때 어떻게 어려움을 종종 겪는지를 보여 주었다.

    A number of research studies have shown how experts in a field often experience difficulties when introducing newcomers to that field.


    2. ______ ________________ ____ __ ______________ ________________ ____________________ ____ ____________ __________ __________ ________ people expert ____ __________ ____________ ____________ were ____________________ ________ ________________ than ____________ __________ __________ in judging ______ ________ it __________ ____________ ____ __________ ____ use ______ phones. 예를 들어, 실제 교육 상황에서 Pamela Hinds 박사는 휴대 전화기를 사용하는 데 능숙한 사람들이 휴대 전화기 사용법을 배우는 것에 얼마나 오랜 시간이 걸리는지를 판단하는 데 있어서, 초보 휴대 전화기 사용자보다 놀랍도록 덜 정확하다는 것을 알아냈다.

    For example, in a genuine training situation, Dr Pamela Hinds found that people expert in using mobile phones were remarkably less accurate than novice phone users in judging how long it takes people to learn to use the phones.


    3. ______________ ______ ____________ ______________________ to how ________ __ ________ ____ ______ ______ __________________ ____ ____________ ________________ ____ ____ ______ ‘curse ____ ____________________. 전문가는 한 과업이 초보자에게 얼마나 어려운지에 대해 무감각해질 수 있는데, 즉 '지식의 저주'로 칭해지는 효과이다.

    Experts can become insensitive to how hard a task is for the beginner, an effect referred to as the ‘curse of knowledge’.


    4. ____ __________ ______ able ____ ________ ________ ____ ____________ ________________ the skill, they then __________ to __________________________ ______ __________ ____ ____________________ ____ ________ __________. Hinds 박사는 사람이 기술을 습득했을 때 그 이후에 그 기술의 어려움의 정도를 과소평가하기 시작했다는 것을 보여 줄 수 있었다.

    Dr Hinds was able to show that as people acquired the skill, they then began to underestimate the level of difficulty of that skill.


    5. ______ ________________________ ________ ____________________________ ______ ________ it had taken ____________________ ____ ______________ ________ __________ ____ ____ ______________ ______________. 그녀의 참가자는 심지어 자신들이 이전 기간에 그 기술을 습득하는 데 얼마나 오래 걸렸는지를 과소평가했다.

    Her participants even underestimated how long it had taken themselves to acquire that skill in an earlier session.


    6. Knowing ________ ______________ ____________ ______ ________ it ______ ______ ________ ____ ____________ we ______ ____________________ ______ ________ to ________ ____ the ________________ ______________ ______________ __________________ __________ ____________ than ____________ assumptions __________ ______ ________________ 'should ______' ________________. 전문가가 자신이 학습하는 것이 얼마나 어려웠는지를 잊어버린다는 것을 안다면, 우리는 학생이 어떻게 학습을 '해야 하는지'에 대한 (근거 없는) 추정을 하기보다 학생들의 눈을 통해 학습 과정을 바라봐야 할 필요성을 이해할 수 있을 것이다.

    Knowing that experts forget how hard it was for them to learn, we can understand the need to look at the learning process through students’ eyes, rather than making assumptions about how students ‘should be’ learning.

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