} 고3 2024 3월 모의고사 영어 함축의미 추론 :: 지식의 비밀정원



  • 고3 2024 3월 모의고사 영어 함축의미 추론
    English Test 2024. 4. 18. 10:47






    2024 고3 3월 모고 함축의미


    The passage discusses the concept of perception as a construction, not only in terms of sensory input but also in social contexts. It uses the example of a study on wine tasting to illustrate how our perceptions are influenced by factors beyond just sensory experience. When participants in the study tasted wine blindly, there was no significant correlation between their ratings of taste and the wine's cost. However, when the wines were labeled with their prices, there was a notable correlation between higher-priced wines and perceived better taste. This suggests that our perception of taste is influenced by factors like price, even if we're not consciously aware of it. The passage also mentions brain imaging studies that revealed how drinking what participants believed to be an expensive wine activated pleasure centers in the brain more than drinking the same wine labeled as cheaper. This phenomenon is likened to the placebo effect, where psychological factors play a significant role in shaping our experiences.




    함축의미 추론

    you taste its price means that our perception of the taste of a product, in this case, wine, is influenced by its price tag. It suggests that our sensory experience of the wine is not solely based on its flavor but also on the psychological association we have with its cost. So, when we taste the wine, we're not just evaluating its flavor; we're also factoring in our perception of its value based on its price.


    3월 모의고사 영어 함축의미 풀이

    오답 설명

    ① Customer ratings determine the price of a product. - This option talks about the relationship between customer ratings and product price, which is not directly related to the phrase in question. 고객 평가에 관련된 내용이 아님.


    ② We fool ourselves into thinking our unplanned buying was reasonable. - This option discusses the phenomenon of justifying unplanned purchases, which is not directly related to the perception of a product's taste based on its price. 계획하지 않은 구매가 합리적이라고 생각하도록 스스로를 속이는 내용이 아님.


    ③ We immediately dismiss opposing opinions without any consideration. - This option describes a behavior of dismissing opposing opinions, which is not relevant to the context of tasting wine and considering its price. 반대의견을 고려하지 않고 즉시 무시하는 것 아님.


    ④ The brain shows consistent response regardless of personal preference. - This option suggests that the brain's response remains consistent regardless of personal preference, which is not directly related to the influence of perceived value on taste. 뇌가 개인의 취향과 상관없이 일관된 반응을 보이는 것 아님



    The perceived value of a product influences one's subjective experience of it. - This option directly addresses the influence of perceived value on one's subjective experience, which aligns with the concept conveyed by the phrase "you taste its price" in the passage. 제품에 대한 인지된 가치는 제품에 대한 주관적인 경험에 영향을 미친다. 글에서 일관되게 말하는 주제와 동일함.




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