} 2023년 수능영어 33번 빈칸-변형,어휘정리 :: 지식의 비밀정원



  • 2023년 수능영어 33번 빈칸-변형,어휘정리
    English Test 2024. 1. 31. 15:49



    2023년 수능영어 33번 빈칸문장 변형

    The entrance to a honeybee colony, often referred to as the dancefloor, is a market place for information about the state of the colony and the environment outside the hive. 꿀벌 군집의 입구, 종종 댄스플로어로 불리는 곳은 군집의 상태 및 벌집 외부 환경에 관한 정보를 교환하기 위한 장소입니다.

    변형된 문장: Referred to as the dancefloor, the entrance to a honeybee colony functions as a marketplace providing information about the colony's condition and the external environment surrounding the hive.


    Studying interactions on the dancefloor provides us with a number of illustrative examples of how individuals changing their own behavior in response to local information allow the colony to regulate its workforce. 댄스플로어에서의 상호 작용을 연구함으로써, 지엽적인 정보에 반응하여 개인의 행동 변화가 어떻게 군집이 업무력을 조절할 수 있는지에 대한 여러 실증적인 예시를 얻을 수 있습니다.

    변형된 문장: Examining interactions on the dancefloor offers us numerous illustrative instances of how individuals, in response to local information, altering their behavior contribute to the colony's regulation of its workforce.


    For example, upon returning to their hive honeybees that have collected water search out a receiver bee to unload their water to within the hive. 예를 들어, 물을 모은 꿀벌들은 벌집으로 돌아와 물을 벌집 안으로 넘겨주기 위해 물을 받을 벌을 찾습니다.

    변형된 문장: For instance, when honeybees return to their hive after collecting water, they seek out a receiver bee to transfer their water into the hive.


    If this search time is short, then the returning bee is more likely to perform a waggle dance to recruit others to the water source. 만약 이 수색 시간(물을 받을 벌을 찾는 시간)이 짧다면, 돌아온 벌은 다른 벌들을 물이 있는 곳으로 데려갈 다른 벌들을 모집하기 위해 8 자 춤을 출 가능성이 더 큽니다.

    변형된 문장: If the search time is brief, the returning bee is more likely to perform a waggle dance to enlist others to the water source.


    Conversely, if this search time is long, then the bee is more likely to give up collecting water.

    반면에, 이 수색 시간이 길다면, 벌은 물 수집을 포기할 가능성이 높아집니다.

    변형된 문장: Conversely, with a prolonged search time, the bee is more inclined to abandon water collection.


    Since receiver bees will only accept water if they require it, either for themselves or to pass on to other bees and brood, this unloading time is correlated with the colony's overall need of water. 물을 받는 벌은 자기 자신을 위해서든 다른 벌들과 애벌레에게 전달하기 위해서든 물이 필요할 때에만 물을 받아들입니다. 따라서 이 물을 넘겨주는 시간은 군집의 전체의 물 필요와 관련이 있습니다.

    변형된 문장: Considering that receiver bees accept water only when it is necessary for themselves or to pass on to other bees and brood, this unloading time is connected to the overall water requirement of the colony.


    Thus, the individual water forager's response to unloading time (up or down) regulates water collection in response to the colony's need. 따라서 개별적인 조달자의 양도 시간에 대한 반응(증가 또는 감소)은 군집의 필요에 대한 대응으로 물 수집을 조절합니다.

    변형된 영어: Hence, the individual water forager's reaction to unloading time (increase or decrease) governs water collection in response to the colony's requirement.


    주요 어휘 정리

    • entrance: 입구 The entrance to the honeybee colony is guarded by worker bees.
    • regulate: 조절하다 Honeybees regulate their workforce based on environmental conditions.
    • search time: 수색 시간 The search time for a receiver bee influences the forager bee's behavior.
    • unload: 양도하다 Honeybees unload collected water to the receiver bee in the hive.
    • correlated with: ~와 관련이 있다 The unloading time of water is correlated with the colony's overall water needs.
    • individual: 개체 Individual bees change their behavior based on local information.
    • brood: 애벌레 Receiver bees may pass water on to other bees and brood if needed.
    • overall need: 전체적인 필요성 The unloading time is related to the colony's overall need for water.


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