} 2024 수능영어 29번 어법, 문장변형 :: 지식의 비밀정원



  • 2024 수능영어 29번 어법, 문장변형
    English Test 2024. 1. 27. 11:31

    2024 수능영어 29번 어휘정리

    1. innate (형용사): existing in a person or animal from birth; natural (There is an innate desire for social connection in humans.)
    2. disposition (명사): a person's inherent qualities of mind and character (Her cheerful disposition makes her easy to be around.)
    3. orient (동사): align or position something relative to points of the compass or other specified positions (The map helped us orient ourselves in the unfamiliar city.)
    4. register (동사): to become aware of something; to notice (Infants register their parents' voices early on.)
    5. imitate (동사): to copy the actions, appearance, or manner of someone or something (Children often imitate their favorite characters from TV shows.)
    6. innate capacity (명사구): inherent ability or capability (Some individuals have an innate capacity for artistic expression.)
    7. kinaesthetically (부사): related to the sense of movement and body position (Athletes often rely on kinaesthetic awareness for precise movements.)
    8. visually perceived (형용사구): able to be seen or noticed (Art is a form of expression that is visually perceived by the audience.)



    A number of studies provide substantial evidence of an innate human disposition to respond differentially to social stimuli. 다양한 연구들은 사회적 자극에 차이 있게 반응하는 선천적 인간 성향에 대한 실질적인 증거를 제시하고 있다.

    변형문장: Numerous studies offer compelling proof of an inherent human inclination to react distinctively to social stimuli.


    From birth, infants will orient preferentially towards the human face and voice, seeming to know that such stimuli are particularly meaningful for them. 출생부터 아기들은 인간의 얼굴과 목소리를 선호적으로 향하는데, 이러한 자극이 그들에게 특히 중요하다는 듯이 느껴진다.

    변형문장: Since birth, babies exhibit a preferential orientation towards human faces and voices, appearing to understand the particular significance of such stimuli.


    Moreover, they register this connection actively, imitating a variety of facial gestures that are presented to them - tongue protrusions, lip tightenings, mouth openings. 게다가 그들은 이 연결을 적극적으로 새기며, 제시된 다양한 얼굴 동작들을 모방한다 - 혀를 내민 것, 입술 다물기, 입을 벌리는 것.

    변형문장: Furthermore, they actively record this connection, mimicking various facial expressions presented to them - sticking out the tongue, tightening the lips, opening the mouth.


    They will even try to match gestures with which they have some difficulty, experimenting with their own faces until they succeed. 그들은 자신이 어려움을 겪는 동작들을 매칭하려고 시도하기도 하는데, 성공할 때까지 자기 자신의 얼굴로 실험한다.

    변형문장: They go as far as attempting to replicate challenging gestures, experimenting with their own faces until successful.


    When they do succeed, they show pleasure by a brightening of their eyes; when they fail, they show distress. 성공하면, 그들은 눈이 반짝이면서 기쁨을 나타내고, 실패하면 고통을 나타낸다.

    변형문장: Upon success, they exhibit joy through a brightening of their eyes; upon failure, they display distress.


    In other words, they not only have an innate capacity for matching their own kinaesthetically experienced bodily movements with those of others that are visually perceived; they have an innate drive to do so. 다시 말해, 그들은 시각적으로 지각된 다른 사람들의 동작과 자신의 신체적 움직임을 매칭하는 선천적인 능력뿐 아니라 이를 수행하려는 타고난 욕구를 가지고 있다.

    변형된 영어: In simpler terms, they possess not only an innate ability to match visually perceived movements of others with their own kinaesthetically experienced bodily movements but also an innate drive to do so.


    That is, they seem to have an innate drive to imitate others whom they judge to be 'like me'. 즉, 그들은 '나와 비슷한'이라고 판단하는 다른 사람들을 모방하려는 선천적 욕구를 가지고 있다.

    변형문장: Namely, they appear to possess an innate drive to imitate others whom they perceive to be 'like me'.



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