} stature statue status 혼동어휘 의미 :: 지식의 비밀정원



  • stature statue status 혼동어휘 의미
    Word Mastery 2024. 4. 19. 12:37


    stature statue status 의미


    Stature: Stature refers to a person's or thing's height, especially when considered as an indication of their importance, power, or ability. (사람, 사물의 키 특히 중요성 힘 능력을 의미)

    • Despite his young age, he had the stature of a leader.
    • She was a woman of small stature but great intelligence.


    Statue: A statue is a sculpture, typically representing a person, animal, or object, that is carved, molded, or cast in a durable material such as stone, metal, or resin. (동상, 조각품)

    • The city erected a statue of its founder in the central square.
    • Visitors admired the intricate details of the ancient statues in the museum.


    Status: Status refers to the social or professional position or standing of an individual or group in relation to others. (개인이나 집단이 갖는 사회적 직업적 지위)

    • In many cultures, social status is determined by factors such as wealth and lineage.
    • The school strives to create an environment where all students feel equal regardless of their social status.



    stature와 status 차이점


    Stature: Stature primarily refers to a person's or thing's physical height or size, often used metaphorically to imply importance, reputation, or level of achievement. It can also denote the perceived level of excellence, dignity, or merit of a person or thing.


    Status: Status, on the other hand, refers to the social or professional position, rank, or standing of an individual or group in relation to others. It encompasses factors such as social class, prestige, authority, and influence. 


    즉, stature과 status는 모두 사람의 지위나 신분과 관련이 있는 반면, stature는 일반적으로 신체적 크기나 은유적 중요성을 강조하는 반면, status는 커뮤니티나 조직 내에서의 사회적 또는 직업적 지위에 초점을 맞춘다.




    stature statue status 예문 스토리


    In the heart of the city stood a magnificent statue, a towering monument to the founding father whose stature in history remained unmatched. Crowds gathered around, marveling at its grandeur, while beneath its shadow, politicians jostled for status, each vying to claim the mantle of leadership. Despite the statue's imposing stature, its significance went beyond mere physical presence; it represented the ideals and aspirations of a nation striving for greatness.

    (도시의 중심부에는 역사적으로 타의 추종을 불허하는 건국의 아버지를 기리는 우뚝 솟은 기념비인 웅장한 동상이 서 있었습니다. 군중은 그 웅장함에 감탄하며 모여들었고, 그 그늘 아래에서는 정치인들이 지위를 위해 서로 경쟁하며 리더십의 자리를 차지하기 위해 경쟁했습니다. 동상의 인상적인 키에도 불구하고 그 의미는 단순한 물리적 존재 그 이상이었습니다. 그것은 위대함을 위해 노력하는 국가의 이상과 열망을 나타냅니다.)










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