} 2023년 3월 고3 영어 모의고사 변형 :: 지식의 비밀정원



  • 2023년 3월 고3 영어 모의고사 변형
    English Test 2024. 3. 10. 22:29


    3월 고3 모의고사 변형

    In centuries past, we might learn much about life from the wisdom of our elders. 수세기 전에는 우리가 어른들의 지혜에서 삶에 대해 많은 것을 배울 수 있었습니다.

    변형문장: Centuries ago, we could gain valuable insights about life from the wisdom passed down by our elders.


    Today, the majority of the messages we receive about how to live a good life come not from Granny’s long experience of the world, but from advertising executives hoping to sell us products. 오늘날, 좋은 삶을 살 방법에 관한 대부분의 메시지는 할머니의 오랜 경험에서 오는 것이 아니라, 우리에게 제품을 판매하려는 광고 담당자들로부터 옵니다.

    변형문장: Nowadays, the bulk of advice on leading a fulfilling life doesn't stem from the wisdom gained through generations but rather from marketers aiming to market products to us.


    If we are satisfied with our lives, we will not feel a burning desire to purchase anything, and then the economy may collapse. 만약 우리가 우리의 삶에 만족한다면, 우리는 아무것도 구매할 강한 욕구를 느끼지 않을 것이고, 그러면 경제가 붕괴될 수 있습니다.

    변형문장: Should we find contentment in our lives, we might lack the urgent impulse to buy, potentially leading to economic downturns.


    But if we are unsatisfied, and any of the products we buy actually delivers the promised lasting fulfillment, subsequent sales figures may likewise drop. 그러나 우리가 불만족하다면, 우리가 구매한 제품 중 하나가 실제로 약속한 지속적인 충족을 제공한다면, 후속 판매량도 마찬가지로 감소할 수 있습니다.

    변형문장: Conversely, if we remain discontented and none of our purchases deliver the anticipated long-term satisfaction, future sales figures might plummet too.


    We exist in a fog of messaging designed explicitly to influence our behavior. 우리는 우리의 행동에 영향을 미치기 위해 명시적으로 설계된 메시지의 안갯속에 존재합니다.

    변형문장: We find ourselves ensnared in a mist of tailored messages intended to shape our actions.


    Not surprisingly, our behavior often shifts in precisely the manner intended. 놀랍지 않게도, 우리의 행동은 종종 정확히 의도된 방식으로 변합니다.

    변형문장: Predictably, our conduct frequently alters exactly as intended.


    If you can be made to feel sufficiently inferior due to your yellowed teeth, perhaps you will rush to the pharmacy to purchase whitening strips. 당신이 노란 이빨 때문에 충분히 열등하다고 느낄 수 있다면, 아마도 약국에서 부착형 (치아) 미백제를 구매하러 달려갈지도 모릅니다.

    변형문장: Should feelings of inadequacy arise from yellowing teeth, one might find themselves hurrying to the drugstore for whitening strips.


    원문: The lack of any research whatsoever correlating tooth shade with life satisfaction is never mentioned. 해석: 치아 색깔과 삶의 만족도를 연관시키는 어떠한 연구도 언급되지 않습니다.

    변형문장: There's no mention whatsoever of any research linking tooth color to life satisfaction.


    Having been told one hundred times a day how to be happy, we spend much of our lives buying the necessary accoutrements and feeling disappointed not to discover life satisfaction inside the packaging. 하루에 백 번씩 행복해지는 법을 듣고 나서, 우리는 대부분의 삶을 필요한 장신구를 사면서 보내며, 포장 속에서 삶의 만족도를 발견하지 못해 실망을 느낍니다.

    변형문장: After being bombarded a hundred times a day with advice on achieving happiness, we devote much of our lives to purchasing the requisite accessories, only to end up disappointed at not finding life satisfaction within the packaging.



    2023 3월 모의고사 30번 내용정리

    In the past, we learned a lot from our elders. But now, most advice on living well comes from ads trying to sell us stuff. If we're happy, we won't buy much, which could hurt the economy. Yet, if we're unhappy, and a product actually makes us feel better, sales might drop. We're bombarded with messages meant to change how we act, so it's no surprise our behavior often changes as intended. If you feel bad about your teeth, you might rush to buy whitening strips. But there's no proof that whiter teeth make us happier. We're constantly told how to be happy, so we spend a lot on things, only to feel let down when they don't bring us joy.

    Topic: Reflection on how our behavior is influenced by consumerist messages in modern society.



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